Albavacanze Albarella: Holiday homes Albarella

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Morbi mollis elit vitae elit molestie lobortis. Cras eu purus ipsum. Aliquam et ullamcorper nisl. Nam sem justo, sagittis sit amet sem at, mollis congue eros. Quisque vel mattis eros. Proin euismod massa id est finibus, rutrum ornare velit pellentesque. Ut arcu magna, interdum eget egestas eget, sagittis a libero. Donec felis tellus, vehicula at purus condimentum, hendrerit dictum odio. Vivamus et condimentum sapien.

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(866) 123 4567

216 Trinity Ave, Pasadena, CA 95046, United States

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Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

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Etiam placerat, nunc et consequat ullamcorper, risus ligula luctus nibh, quis ultrices felis massa varius odio. Pellentesque feugiat mi congue vehicula pellentesque. Aliquam sagittis velit tellus, cursus porttitor turpis fringilla quis. Donec venenatis tincidunt sapien, at porta nisl consectetur ac. Aliquam maximus lectus id neque dignissim, nec molestie magna consequat. Sed convallis sem diam.

Call us:

(866) 123 4567

216 Trinity Ave, Pasadena, CA 95046, United States

Have any Questions?

Monday - Friday
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM

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    Berg Devien

    Head of communications


    Priscilla Sorvino

    Head of communications

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    The car is one of the most convenient ways to reach the island.
    If you arrive by motorway from Milan or from the Brenner Pass, take the A4 Milan-Venice motorway and exit at Verona Sud.

    Just take the Transpolesana highway (Strada Statale 434) to Rovigo, then head towards Adria-Loreo-Rosolina, following the signs for Albarella.
    If you are coming from the Florence-Bologna motorway, follow the A13 Bologna-Padova motorway as far as the Rovigo Sud exit.
    Then you have to follow the signs for Adria-Loreo-Rosolina, as far as Albarella.

    Once arrived at the island of Albarella, connected to the mainland by a bridge, approach the Port. Albavacanze is on the left, next to Caffé Veneto.